Hos Bill St Arnaud kommer jeg over en omtale av tidsskriftet Open Source Business Resource (OSBR). Augstnummeret kan bl a lasted ned i PDF-format. August-nummeret gir en omtale av innholdet:
In the August issue of OSBR, Peter Liu from DragonWave Inc. examines open
source telecommunications companies (OST) and finds that 9 of 12 OST
companies are supported by venture capital.
Dave McIlhagga from DM Solutions Group and Ervin Ruci from Geocoder.ca
describe how their respective businesses interact with the open source
geospatial community. Bill White from Roaring Penguin Software relates the
business model that grew a one-man consultancy into a successful company
which maintains its ties with the open source community.
Tammy Yuan explores the ways the Carrier Grade Linux Working Group is
changing the proprietary face of the telecommunications industry.
Rowland Few details the Talent First Network's role within the Ontario open
source ecosystem, Michael Weiss outlines the open source patterns lead
project, and Peter Hoddinott answers questions regarding open source
business models and commercialization of open source assets.
This issue also contains an expanded upcoming events section, as well as
newsbytes, recently published reports, letters to the editor, and how you
can contribute to subsequent issues.