Mandag 27.4 og tirsdag 28.4 arrangerer CRELL (Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning) i samarbeid med OECD en workshop med tittelen "Assessing the effects of ICT in Education: indicators, criteria and benchmarks for international comparison". Workshopen foregår i Ispra, noen mil utenfor Milano, ved bredden av Laggo Maggiore.
Fra Norge deltar Ola Erstad og undertegnede.
Her er programmet:
14:00 – 14:30
Opening, Welcome, Introduction of the Participants
14:30 – 16:00
Session 1: The general context and policy perspective: What are the new challenges education and policy have to meet? What type of information do policy-makers need and what do they get relating to the use of ICT (and management of resources) and how ICT are being used (Discussant: Marco Marsella)
- Input 1: The need to assess 21st century skills: The rationale of the Cisco-Intel-Microsoft 21st Century Skills Assessment Project (Robert Kozma)
- Input 2: In search for the Sustainable Knowledge Base: Multi-channel and Multi-method? (Øystein Johannessen)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 Session 2: Conceptual frameworks and models to study the effects of ICT in education (I) (Discussant: Heeok Hook)
- Input 1: Conceptual Framework on studying ICT effects in European education (Friedrich Scheuermann, Kathy Kikis, Ernesto Villalba)
- Input 2 : Model on assessing the use of ICT in education (Francesc Pedro, Benat Bilbao)
Common dinner
Ristorante Schuman (Via Piave, 5/7, Ispra,
Day 2 – Tuesday, 28 April 2009
09:00 – 10:30 Session 3: Conceptual framework and models to study the effects of ICT in education (II)
(Discussant: Claudio Dondi)
- Input 1: Draft conceptual framework for the construction of a common inter-agency framework for OECD, UNESCO and World Bank (Eugenio Severin)
- Input 2: ICT4D M&E framework: An InfoDev/WorldBank approach to ICT in the United Nations MDG context (Dan Wagner)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Session 4 : Country / cultural context level
: What is needed in order to feed policies with information about the use of ICT and its effects? (Discussant: Yves Punie )
- Input 1: No proven effectiveness, no sustainable change: Proposal for strategic approach to the computerization of education on the basis of 30 years of experience (Roni Aviram )
- Input 2: The Impact of ICT in Education Policies on Teacher Practices and Student Outcomes: preliminary findings from a Hong Kong study (Nancy Law)
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:45 Session 5 (Institutional level):
How can educational management in institutions benefit from information about ICT use. What are the data needed and used for the interpretation of effects and for the discussion of consequences? (Discussant: n.n.)
- Input 1: Making ICT impact assessment useful at institutional level: some approaches and indicators (Roger Blamire)
- Input 2: Monitoring of the use and impact of ICT in primary and secondary education (Hans Pelgrum)
14:45 – 16:00 Session 6 (Individual level):
How to measure effects on teaching and learning at the individual level? (Moderation: Ola Erstad; Discussant: Heiko Sibberns)
- Input 1: Learning competences needed in the digital environment (Tapio Varis)
- Input 2: Assessing New Technological Literacies (Edys Quellmalz)
16:00 – 16:15 Closing conclusions and follow-up